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COVID-19对D的影响.C. 酒吧服务


D.C. 酒吧将于4月29日过渡到混合运营, 2022,同时优先考虑会员服务, 健康, and safety by welcoming fully vaccinated visitors only to the D.C. 酒吧 Headquarters building for a limited number of in-person events. 审查澳博app资格证书 COVID指南 & 游客的政策.

We continue to encourage you to utilize the forms provided on our website as well as the services available within your 网上会员帐户 to manage your membership record and/or remit payment to avoid processing delays. You may also contact Member Services by phone during normal business hours, Monday-Friday, 美国东部时间上午9点至下午5点(每天下午1点至2点关闭)或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 寻求帮助.


D.C. 酒吧许可证

D是什么?.C. 澳博app执照费?

请参阅 成员类 & 费用 for the most up to date information on the current year license fees.

D的最后期限是什么时候.C. 酒吧许可证?

根据第III条第8款D.C. 澳博app执照的续期应于 7月1日.  Members must remit their completed registration and payment by 7月15日 为了避免滞纳金. If your license renewal is not postmarked and/or received by 9月30日, your membership will automatically be administratively suspended for nonpayment. 看到 成员类 & 费用 当前的许可费用金额.

How and when are the 酒吧’s annual license renewal notices sent?

自2020年5月1日起,D.C. 酒吧 will no longer mail paper invoices for the collection of license fees.  All notifications will be sent to the member’s primary email address on record. If you do not see notifications on/after May 1, please be sure to check your spam/junk folders.  如果没有收到消息,请联系会员服务.

D是什么?.C. 酒吧的财政年度?

D.C. 酒吧的财政年度为每年的7月1日至6月30日.


License renewal fees for the fiscal year are due and payable on 7月1日. Members must remit their payments by 7月15日 为了避免滞纳金.


成为D.C. 澳博app会员-新入学


Please contact the District of Columbia Court of 应用程序eals’ 招生委员会 by phone at 202-879-2710, 或电邮至 (电子邮件保护). It is located at 430 E Street NW, Room 123, Washington, DC 20001. 

我怎样才能成为D.C. 酒吧员?

District of Columbia Court of 应用程序eals’ 招生委员会 reviews all applications for admission to the District of Columbia 酒吧. To become a member, whether by exam, motion, or special legal consultant, visit the 招生委员会 of the District of Columbia Court of 应用程序eals for application information. The Law School Certification form must be filled out and signed by your law school’s dean or registrar. 了解更多的不同之处 成员类别 在D.C. 酒吧.

你和我的国家有互惠关系吗? 我在哪里可以找到信息?

The 招生委员会 reviews all applications for admission to the District of Columbia 酒吧. 看到 D.C. 应用程序. 规则46. 欲知更多资料, please contact the 招生委员会 by phone at 202-879-2710 或电邮至 (电子邮件保护) or visit their office at 430 E Street NW, Room 123, Washington, DC 20001.


Please contact the 招生委员会 by phone at 202-879-2710 或电邮至 (电子邮件保护). It is located at 430 E Street NW, Room 123, Washington, DC 20001.

我最近刚宣誓加入民主党.C. 酒吧. 我什么时候能收到我的澳博app号?

You will receive a 酒吧 number no more than 30 days after the submission of your initial registration statement. 你的栏号列在你的D的主页上.C. 酒吧在线账号一旦登录. You will also receive an invoice to your primary address on record, as specified on the registration statement that lists your 酒吧 number under “Member Number.” Additionally, you will receive a 酒吧 card with your 酒吧 number. If you provided an email address on your registration statement, 你应该会收到D的邮件.C. 酒吧 with your 酒吧 number and information on your new member account.



做D的好处是什么.C. 酒吧员?

D.C. 酒吧 does offer a number of membership benefits which can be found 在这里.

澳博app在哪里可以找到更多关于D的信息.C. 酒吧项目和服务?

请到 澳博app area.

W在这里 can an attorney find assistance or counseling services?

D.C. 酒吧 offers a variety of resources to attorneys including guidance on the interpretation of the rules of professional conduct, 实践管理建议, 费用争议解决服务, and free and confidential lawyer assistance program to assist lawyers, 法官, 还有有心理健康问题的法律系学生, 上瘾, 和压力. 这些资源和其他资源都可以找到 在这里.



我如何报告一名D成员的死亡.C. 酒吧?

D.C. 酒吧 sympathizes with the family, friends, and colleagues of our members who have passed. To report the death of a member, please contact Member Services by phone at 202-626-3475 or email to (电子邮件保护). 以便适当地更新成员配置文件, 我们要求您提供会员的去世日期. 在某些情况下, you may also be asked to provide a copy of the death certificate or w在这里 the obituary is located.


Effective May 1, 2020, license renewal invoices will no longer be mailed.  然而,成员是必需的 D .第2节规则II.C. Court of 应用程序eals 规则 Governing the District of Columbia 酒吧 to update their address information within 30 days of any change. A U.S. Postal Service forwarding notice sent to the 酒吧 is not a substitute for the member’s explicit written notice.


可以,请致电202-626-3475与会员服务部联系. 更改也可以在线提交,或通过电子邮件提交 (电子邮件保护).

How do I change my name in the District of Columbia 酒吧 records?

In order to change your name on our official 酒吧 records, you must complete the 更改名称申请表格 并提供支持文件, 比如你的结婚证复印件, 法院批准离婚声明, court approved name change documentation or other court ordered certified document affirming the requested change. Your notarized form and supporting documents may be returned via email to (电子邮件保护) 或传真至866-550-9331.

Any updates to your contact information should be included with this request. New bar cards may be requested for a $10 fee from within your 网上会员帐户.


需要D的会员.C. 换了酒吧会员卡就可以登录了 网上会员帐户 提交替换请求. 酒吧 cards are printed offsite and require 2-3 weeks for order processing and delivery. 更换D需要10美元的费用.C. 酒吧会员卡.

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